Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Life Less Uncommon

The darkness is consuming me,

The raysovthesun don’t reach here up to me.

I m lost, trapped,

A captive of my own army

left to the mercy of my own devices.

Wisdom has dripped away

As has ebbed life.

Know not whither to look

nor where to turn

how far must I go before I return?

The caves are around me,

vicious beasts surround me.

My dreams have become my enemies.

Yet I have found hope in my nightmares.

My destiny lies still with me.

A lover searching for love

an artist in search of his muse,

an alchemist lookin’ for his stone

Hope comes from nowhere, but is everywhere.

I am told.

Carpe diem is what you should believe,

my friends tell me,

Patience and reticence are the virtues you must learn.

But all my mistakes aren’t my own,

Can I wash my sins and can I atone?

There is no sun shining,

nor is the moon lighting my path,

nor do stars twinkle overhead as I walk.

This is my baptization,

this is my trial by fire.

A devotee looking for a god,

A king for a kingdom,

A judge looking for mercy

A healer for a cure,

A fish looking for water pure.

Stumble as I walk,

learn must I how to fly.

The cold sun mocks my labours,

The world laughs at my endeavours,

Held is I by such a breakable thread.

Wargs, witches, werewolves and Sandman,

Orcs, elves, warriors and Madman.

Warlocks, wraiths, he who mustn’t be named and the Lizard King

All wait, all stay,

waiting for me to stand,

so that I may fall again.

Dragons spew fire as Evil spawns a new Heir,

Tales of braveries and virtues long forgotten,

arise awake as with sorrows is the path sodden.

The Dark Lord with his power ring,

The Knight on an unfinished errand.

All I know is Carpe Diem,

All I understand is Carpe Diem.


Anonymous said...

some nice poetry here. Got to our blog thru google.Was searching me frnd Basit Shafi.

Anyways have you been brushed cuz the poem is indeed dark. If thats the case may you rise outta it. Best

Anonymous said...

Big finally getting yer comments on yer shitting place..
You know me..I live over u