Its a bird,its a blog......its a superblog
blogs r for humans.for metahumans u need superblogs.
my first metahumans were Indian.i started with nagraj,bhokaal,parmanu,doga(who like punisher isn't really a meta human but his guns do all the talking),dhruv(his intelligence and razor-sharp intelligence make up for his lack of meta powers,though he has trained himself in the language of animals all of which r his friends,he can breathe in water but that is a gift from his pseudo-atlantis friends,but he really has no superpowers).
i discovered spiderman sorta suddenly.i mean i just woke up one day and i knew who spidermanwas.ok i m trying to joke.
but i did pick up the foreigners quite fast.
nyhow i was quite glued to the english cartoons that i grew up watching.
i discovered almost all the meta-humans within a period of three to four years.
this reminds me of an interesting incident.
i was once reading about amazon warriors.
so i discovered that they always had problems with archery as u have to pull the string back and release the string.the string always tended to get obstructed by their bosoms(which by then i was sure were quite ample,at least generally)and in the worst cases they suffered serious injuries.a taut high tension wire can be a really effective also hampered the speed of the amazon warriors.the mechanical engineer in me tells me that cross-bows can be effective solution for this problem.
however such a story would be very ineffective and plainly very plain and mythologies aren't remembered for the technological what they actually did was to find a origional solution without changing the state of technology.
yes u'r thinking in the right direction......they actually amputated their right breasts!!!!
so when i came to know about wonder-woman i was actually quite eager to see her pic as i imagined an amazonian warrior who should be looking sorta peculiar.
but needless to say i was let down.
she actually looks quite normal...well she is gorgeous but we're'n't supposed to notice that.
nyhow back to the topic.
i hate superman and sachin tendulkar(for the uninitiated he is 1 of the greatest indian batsmen of all times and the highest run getter too in cricket his batting average is phenomenal and his presence is like the talisman of our team we always play better when he is in good spirits.)for much the same reasons.firstly in this world of greys the are two all good and noble hidden skeletons in their closets.
secondly they make the justice league and the indian cricket team seem superflous and unnecessary.
thirdly their failure destroys the team morale and guys like flash and kaif have hardly any chance when the biggie fails.
batman is a guy i always admire not because he has to rely on his guts and whatever
but because he is always so composed.
i however always find spidey to be the best guy,and that's simply because he has to face all those heavy odds and make it to his date by overcoming the baddies and mind his baddies are very bad.but he always will make it good coz dandruff and self-doubt and room-rent are his biggest troubles.and because the guy has a real sense of humor
and he keeps a monologue on while facing any1 no matter however much strong that guy
and i absolutely adore samurai jack(he is a character on cartoon network).i love the artwork of the cartoon,its very straight lines kinda and seemingly immaturishly done.
the pictures don't convey the strength of tekken or dragonball-z,but there is a vulnerability all over the place.
jack is a warrior par excellence and he can never be defeated.
but he has an enemy a very powerful and almost indestructible dragon(aku should be the probable spelling of his name) who rules over almost the whole world.he can only
be defeated by the sword that samurai jack has who is also his gravest opponent,the only one that aku can never defeat at the same time aku has sent sam j to the future,
a world in which all technological advances co-exist with ancient wisdom.
sam j roams the world trying to find a way to return to his time,but he has immaculate morals and his dedication and all those good values we were taught about
in morals classes and forgot all about them soon enough.
he is the definition of bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.
he never complains,is serious,doesn't speak much,but that doesn't make him arrogant.
he is the perfect killing machine,but he doesn't kill for fun,only in self-defense.
so i have been raving 'bout the guy for what seems like hours of typing time.
but he fully deserves it.
i think i covered all my major metahumans.
just a little note on the martian manhunter.i like the guy to the point that i sympathise with him.
he is the underloved underdog the guy who always gets ignored, but that doesn't make
him any lesser than the talked about guys.
some food for thought this.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Posted by
Friday, August 05, 2005
Labels: Diary Type
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1 comment:
Disorganised creativity..still good.
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